Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Sights and Sounds Eighty

This is my 80th post. I know that's not many really as far as the blogsphere goes. Anyways what better way to celebrate the eightieth post than with a couple of videos. The first one is a short clip i uploaded to Vimeo of a close encounter i had with some dolphins in the Charleston harbor recently. I was shooting some photos and video b-roll for work when all of a sudden these guys showed up.

Dolphins in Charleston Harbour from Jonathan Coultas on Vimeo.

The next video is a video I prepared for a meeting at work. My office recently joined with another department and we were asked to give a 90 second presentation of what we do. So i made a video which is basically a video of some of the videos/photography I have done for work in the last year. Check it out.

What I Do in 90 Seconds V.2.0 from CARC on Vimeo.

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