Wow. The holiday is coming to an end. Our wifi has been pretty spotty for the last couple of days and I have not been able to post to my blog or even to Instagram. I'm sitting here in Benbecula Airport waiting for our flight to Glasgow therefore i have jumped on the first decent hotspot and i shall try to review the last couple of days with the best detail as i can remember.
Thursday was an "epic" day (as Frankie would say). We started early with a film production meeting with Sophia. We went over all the scenes and the scripts and prepped our actors. The plan was to film all the scenes in the morning then i could give Sophia a crash course in FCP X and she could edit in the afternoon. Kate, Victoria and Mannie were the stars. Frankie was the sound man. Dusti was in charge of sets and I filmed. All closely watched by Sophia. We managed to finish filming about 2pm. I downloaded all the clips to FCP and gave Sophia the run down.
After a quick cup of tea Dusti and got dressed for an afternoon hike. We wanted to walk to the East of the Island and around to the South and back up to the house. It was quite blustery but partly sunny and there was no rain so we were luck yin that respect. The scenery was so cool We walked through the valleys around lilly laden lochs with Mak showing us the way. It was truly spectacular. Some areas looked truly prehistoric. The ground was incredibly saturated and often times our feet would sink several inches down even when we stood on the heather or bracken. We made our way to a great view of the sea and could see the Isle of Skye in the distance.
We decided to head south as we had to get back to the house by 4:30 as we were on dinner duty that evening. The goal was a summit we named Julian's Point as he was the first in our group to conquer it. The funny thing about Ronay is everything looks so much closer than it is. We would go up and down these rocky hills and think the Julian's Point was the next one and still it stared back at us in the distance. We saw several herds (?) of deer on the mountain side. They would look back at us for a few moments then run off and over the top to escape the intruders of their island. We eventually got to a position where we could see the peak and i was spent. Mak and Dusti continued up as i sat on a rock and ate a Snickers!
I watched Dusti and Mak go up the steep incline and conquer Julian's Point and took some photos of their achievement. As Dusti headed back down we decided met in the middle and make our way back to the house. Mak ran off ahead towards the end and i saw him being greeted by Sarah when we were still a good bit away. This type of terrain is Mak's heaven and he effortlessly runs up and down and constantly has to wait for us slow humans.
Once back we had to think about dinner plans. We both took showers and started prepping. Dusti and I chose to make shish-kabobs. We made veggie and steak ones. It took a little while to prepare and i had to work on a very dodgy grill in rather unpredictable conditions.
Somehow working with Julian to get all the food cooked on the smallest charcoal grill ever the meal was a great success. we also served baked potatoes and dusti grilled some fresh tomatoes with cheese. For desert Julian and Sarah took a bunch of bananas and slit the skin then loaded them with chocolate. They then covered them in foil and placed them on the grill until the chocolate was melted. I have to admit i was a little weary but they were really nice and i think will some ice cream would be even better. We will definitely be try that when we get home.
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